About Us

The Northwest Homeschool Center was born from the intrinsic desire to be an integral part of facilitating children with the childhood of their dreams, and consequently, we hope, the life of their dreams. As a homeschooling family of our own four children, we truly know from experience the life long benefits of providing children with a holistic approach to learning in a safe and open platform where they can freely explore and discover the world around them according to their own unique learning styles, natural propensities, interests, gifts, and talents. Our desire is to provide children and youth with a daily experience that fosters the life long love of learning, personal growth and development, and the responsibility of being a contributing member of society. Every child should know they are of great value and worth. They should know that they are dearly loved and that they matter more than words can express. We believe all children should know they are here to contribute to the whole, to be a positive influence, and to serve others in love. As our heritage, they should know who they are and why they are here. We believe the world can be a better place one child at a time.

Our Mission

The Northwest Homeschool Center strives to meet the needs of the whole person by providing students with the space, time and opportunities to experience growth and development according to their own unique individual interests and natural propensities, gifts, and talents.

Our Vision

Our vision is to be a integral part of building a solid foundation for a life long journey of growth and development. We hope to instill the values and desires that motivate each student to become their highest ideal and best version of themselves. We want each child to know their true worth, to know how special they are, and know how much they are loved. We strive to develop high self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-love that will in turn ensure the accomplishment of any goal they set for themselves in life. Children should know their innate power and ability to create their own reality and life experiences. They should know that positive thinking and believing is paramount in living a life full of joy and abundance. They should know and understand the concepts of energy, frequency, and vibration in order to manifest all of their dreams and live their best life. They should know we are all here to serve and love one another and we all have our part in making the world a better place for ourselves and for each other.

Our Philosophy

We hold the philosophy that all people are curious by nature'; that the most efficient, long-lasting and profound learning takes place when started and pursued by the learner; that all people are creative if they are allowed to develop their unique talents; that age mixing among students promotes growth in all members of the group, and that freedom is essential to the development of personal responsibility.

Our Mission is to provide children with a holistic learning experience through hands on and child choice options.

“Freedom, Time, Space, and various materials have the power to catapult children into a lifetime of curiosity.”

— Jackie, Founder of The Northwest Homeschool Center

Start the adventure today.