Parent Provided Curriculum

Parents will be asked to provide a curriculum for their children to work on from 9-11am each day. Parent’s are their child’s teachers. Children are supervised and encouraged to engage in their lessons by Guides. Guides can assist your child by answering questions and ensuring they have the necessary materials to complete their work. Parents will be asked to provide any required equipment, materials, and supplies for your child to complete their curriculum work. If they are using an online curriculum, they will need to be provided with a laptop or computer, along with notebooks, pencils, calculator or anything else they may need to complete any curriculum work. If their curriculum is book work, we will need their workbooks. The Center will provide each child with their own private cubicle to keep their personal belongings and complete their school work. Parents are asked to check their child’s work each evening to ensure they are staying on track or to assist if they have questions or need help understanding a concept.